Sunday, February 15, 2015

Please Donate to our Permaculture Community Project!

Please Donate to our Permaculture Community Project!

Hello All, as the assigned of a miraculous Tree species; studied and found to provide nourishing information to assist our drinking water, the human body, and a historical faith in herbal remedies.  Distinctively, the Moringa Oleifera and the Moringa Stenopetela along with other medicinal plants, have been making many corrections in the health of people all over the world.  Specialized in growing drought tollerent editable plants, installing water irrigation systems, raised garden beds and utilizing permaculture methods. We at Healing Moringa Tree, a family based business; wish to go beyond our website to actually provide communities with the man power to perform duties to help our world with a self sufficient food source that can grow in commercial and/or urban areas. We offer our personal studies with experiences through books, videos, and will be currently looking to hire College-bound High School Graduates to further implement well taught permaculture techniques throughout their lifetime. We are planning classes, and workshops, which will consist of all of the above, along with herbal tinctures, and extracts. Helping low-income families and anyone wanting to learn about Moringa, medicinal herbs, fruits, vegetables, building community gardens and more.
We are looking for anyone who can help assist us with donating to this project. Any amount is very much so appreciated. All donations will be accommodated with a 15% off all Healing Moringa Tree Products!
Thank you!